Getting the Miracle Molecule Where It Needs To Go by Gerald A. Bruno, Ph.D.

I have taken the liberty of describing alpha lipoic acid as the “miracle molecule” because it is among the most valuable nutritional supplements we can take for our over-all well-being. I believe that alpha lipoic acid ascends to the “miracle” level because it has a wide spectrum of biological activities that are useful in treating [...]

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Bioavailability: Is It A Concern With Nutritional Supplements? By Gerald A. Bruno, Ph.D.

Bioavailability is a large word that is hard to spell and probably even harder to understand. Human nature being what it is, we tend to ignore things we don’t understand, unless it is impacting our lives in a meaningful way. In the world of prescription and over-the-counter drug products, bioavailability concerns are addressed by the [...]

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Occupying the Middle Ground — Q&A with Ethical Alternative Products’ Founder, Gerald A. Bruno, PhD

ATH: What prompted you to create Ethical Alternative Products? Dr. Bruno: After a long career in pharmaceutical industry research and a successful stint as an entrepreneur, I invested in a startup company that had developed an innovative formulation of the recently recognized “universal anti-oxidant” alpha lipoic acid. This product was my first real exposure to [...]

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